THE BE, DO AND HAVE FORMULA FOR SHH (Success, Health and Happiness)

You must “BE” before you can “HAVE” SHH

To “BE” successful you must “ACT” successful. When you “ACT” successful, you will “FEEL” successful and will, therefore, attract successful things to “DO.” Then, when you “DO” these successful things you attract, you will automatically “HAVE” the end result – SUCCESS.

To “BE” healthy you must “ACT” healthy. When you “ACT” healthy, you will “FEEL” healthy and will, therefore, attract healthful things to “DO.” Then, when you “DO” these healthful things you attract, you will automatically “HAVE” the end result – HEALTH.

To “BE” happy you must “ACT” happy. When you “ACT” happy, you will “FEEL” happy and will, therefore, attract happy things to “DO.” Then, when you “DO” these happy things you attract, you will automatically “HAVE” the end result – HAPPINESS.

But, before you can start this three-step formula, you must decide you want SHH. This is no easy decision, even though everyone thinks he/she wants these things naturally. While the unconscious mind or Innate in the body will struggle with all it’s miraculous and ingenious powers, to the very last, for survival of the SHH of it’s home in that body, the conscious mind too often dictates failure, disease, grief and even death to the Innate so much and for so long that it overwhelms the unconscious and the Innate finally gives up.

So the very first step to take is to align the conscious mind with the inborn unconscious mind, which is the power of survival (SHH). To do this, convince the conscious mind that you have made to decision to be successful, healthy, and happy. Once this decision is made, take the next step: “mock up” goals of your SHH decisions. Once these goals are “mocked up,” you are on your way to “BE-ing” SHH. Then “DO-ing” makes “HAVE-ing” come almost automatically. Thus you have reached your destination – SHH.